June 14, 2011

New Website!

Please check out the new website: KentuckyCharters.org

Sign up and help us innovate to educate in Kentucky!

June 13, 2011

What Makes Charter Schools Work? Part 5

In order for public charter schools to live up to their potential, they must be held accountable for their performance. This strict accountability is one of the key innovations in education that charter schools offer. It is the current lack of accountability that has many Kentuckians frustrated with our system of education, and it's our children who suffer for it, year after year.

5) We must ensure accountability for public charter schools.

How do we accomplish this? We establish rules that require a fixed term, performance-based contract between a charter school and the entity that approved it. This contract will strengthen public charter school accountability by including both provisions establishing the academic and operational performance expectations for the public charter school and provisions defining the roles, powers, and responsibilities for the school and its authorizing entity.

When we set the bar appropriately high, and hold schools firmly to the terms of their agreements, we both encourage the entry of better schools and efficiently minimize the impact of poorly performing models. The most successful public charter school laws have managed this dynamic well, and we should strive to match it.

Kentucky's kids will be the direct beneficiaries of our diligence.

June 7, 2011

June 3, 2011

Gather your friends and neighbors...

Are you ready to learn more and get your questions answered yet? Invite some people for a viewing of Waiting for Superman, and let's discuss how you can help make charter schools a reality for Kentucky's kids. Concerns and disagreements are welcome; open minds are required.

Email me at joel@kentuckycharters.com